+49 211 477-7100
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Facts & figures
Reporting und figures
Our customers’ needs and requirements govern all we do as a business. We demonstrate our customer orientation with clear communication, easy-to-understand and easily accessible products, a wide range of opportunities for customers to give us their feedback, and top-quality customer advice.
To facilitate access to our products and services as far as possible, we continue to expand our digital portfolio. This means that customers can not only take out policies online with our purely digital insurer nexible, but also settle their claims online. ERGO also relies on voice intelligence for convenient conclusion. For example, customers can purchase medical travel insurance completely via voice dialogue.
We use clear language to ensure our customers know exactly what we are offering them, and give them descriptive and comprehensible information rather than losing ourselves in complex specialist terms. We adhere to clear-language criteria certified by external experts, and substantially revised our contract documents and product information. External auditors accompanied this process over several years and regularly reviewed the comprehensibility of our customer communication.
Feedback counts: Customer Workshop
We engage our customers in dialogue, and they reward us with their feedback and new ideas. Customers who join the ERGO Customer Workshop have the opportunity to support and shape ERGO with their constructive criticism and their suggestions. Customers can also submit their feedback online at any time – we’re always open to suggestions and keen to improve our service.
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