Our figures for social commitment

Community involvement has a long tradition at ERGO. Within the scope of our shared value approach, we now concentrate on three global challenges which are closely associated with our key business: mitigating the effects of climate change, improving access to healthcare and enhancing risk awareness.

Social commitment expenditure

2023 2022 2021
Total expenditure 2,863,199 3,044,4641
Donations 720,533 1,284,1831
Social sponsorships 737,285 681,219
CR memberships 81,815 110,848
Donations in-kind / in-kind sponsorhips 11,613 27,210
Political donations2 93,000 93,000
ERGO foundations 1,218,954 848,004
Expenditure on social commitment according to challenges addressed
Projects that contribute to addressing one of the three global challenges3

1. Mitigating the effects of climate change

2. Improving access to healthcare

3. Need to heighten risk awareness
1,035,752 1,010,313
Disaster relief
165,847 857,5471
Local projects and organisations
338,034 208,389

1 Strong increase due to Ukraine relief aid.
ERGO supports the political democratic process, and to this end it donates to the following German parties: Bündnis90/Die Grünen, CDU, CSU, FDP and SPD. They each receive the same donation amount, an annual total of 75,000 euros. All donations are transferred to the parties’ federal headquarters. In addition, membership fees are paid to organisations closely affiliated with the parties. These may not exceed 25,000 euros per business year for ERGO.
3 Expenditure on social commitment according to challenges addressed includes donations, social sponsorships and CR memberships (without donations in kind/sponsorships in kind).
4 Including Corona aid.
5 Including relief aid following the flood disasters in Western Germany in July 2021.